5. Building Bridges and finding balance in diversity: is domestic violence a diversity issue?

Working smarter means working and learning with and from people with diverse perspectives and skills.  But bringing these differences to a work setting, may mean we face negative discrimination. This can makes us feel vulnerable.   Promoting the acceptance and tolerance for  diversity is necessary to build an effective workplace community. 
In our second episode about diversity, we hear the perspective of Dr Patrycja Sosnowska Buxton,  talking with Prof Sarah Hean about some of the challenges of implementing a meaningful diversity strategyThey talk especially of seeing diversity as more than just a gender and ethnicity, issue  but  also about lived experience such as domestic violence and how employers, such as the University support their staff in these vulnerable situations.
Patrycja is a post doctoral fellow at the department of social work at the University of Stavanger. 

I vår andre episode om mangfold hører vi Dr Patrycja Sosnowska Buxton, som prater med Prof. Sarah Hean om noen av utfordringene ved å implementere strategier for mangfold i arbeidslivet. De snakker spesielt om å se mangfold som noe mer enn kjønn og etnisitet. Samtalen viser til mangfold i hverdag opplevelse som familie volds situasjoner, og de prater om  hvordan arbeidsgivere kan støtte sine ansatte i ulike sårbare situasjoner. 


  • Ingunn Studsrød; Ragnhild Gjerstad Sørensen; Brita Gjerstad; Patrycja Sosnowska-Buxton ; Kathrine Skoland (2022) “It’s very complex”: Professionals’ work with domestic violence (DV): Report – FGI and interviews 2022 , Stavanger: UiS DOI: https://doi.org/10.31265/USPS.249 
Sarah Hean, Professor Institute of Social Work, University of Stavanger 
Dr Patrycja Sosnowska Post Doctoral Fellow , University of Stavanger 

Sarah Hean University of Stavanger, Norway