Working smarter means working and learning with and from people with diverse perspectives and skills. But bringing these differences to a work setting, may mean we face negative discrimination. This can makes us feel vulnerable. Promoting the acceptance and tolerance for diversity is necessary to build an effective workplace community.
Stavanger, as a uniquely multinational town, has diveristy, equity and inclusion high on many organisational agendas. In four episodes of Kafe Sosial, we explore how different organisations in the region view and implement this agenda. We share these perspectives to build bridges between our organisations, learn across sectors and to do things better together.
In our first episode, we hear a university perspective. Prof Sarah Hean from the University of Stavanger talks to Prof Maryan Koehler, University of Denver, Colorado about what diversity means in higher education and what universities can do to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in our staff and student community.
Maryan is an adjunct professor at the University of Colorado with a Doctorate in Education (Ed.d) from Durham University, UK. She spreads her working life between the US and Stavanger, Norway.
Det å jobbe smartere betyr å jobbe og lære med og fra mennesker med ulike perspektiver og ferdigheter. Samtidig kan det føre til negativ diskriminering der vi kan føle oss sårbare. Det blir viktig å fremme aksept og toleranse for mangfold for å bygge et effektivt arbeidsmiljø.
I fire episoder av Kafe Sosial vil vi utforsker hvordan ulike organisasjoner i regionen ser på og arbeider med diskriminering. I vår første episode vil Prof. Sarah Hean fra Universitetet i Stavanger snakke med Prof Maryan Koehler, University of Denver, Colorado om hva mangfold betyr i høyere utdanning og hva universiteter kan gjøre for å fremme mangfold, likeverd og inkludering i ansatte– og studentmiljø.
Maryan er adjunkt ved University of Denver, Colorado med en doktorgrad i utdanning (Ed.d) fra Durham University, Storbritania.
Sarah Hean, Professor Institute of Social Work, University of Stavanger
Maryan Koehler, Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, Colorado
Sarah Hean University of Stavanger, Norway
Sarah Hean University of Stavanger, Norway
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