17. Contact is not enough: Better together when working in African European Partnerships

In this episode Prof Sarah Hean from the University of Stavanger reflects on what it means to work well together in trans continental partnerships.  She draws on her earlier reflections on “contact is not enough” and explores how we can achieve equality amongst participants.  She uses the NOREC consortium, a collaboration between Tanzania and Norway by way of example , and calls for a routine decoloniality perspective when managing social innovation in these partnerships.

Extra resource/Further reading
Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff; Skippervik, Liv Jorunn Baggegård; Heslop, Richard; Stevens, Caroline (2021) Reflecting on researcher practice relationships in prison research : A contact hypothesis lens . I: 1892218.  Palgrave Macmillan Open Access: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-70661-6_16


This COLAB consortium is a partnership of criminal justice related organisations and academic institutions from Norway, UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Finland and the Netherlands.  The consortium was funded by the Marie Curie Sklodowska EU programme of Horizon2020. Much of the work of our consortium was based in Norway and therefore some of our podcast episodes are in Norwegian language.  However, because of the international nature of the COLAB consortium, much of the series is in  English. The Podcast series is funded by the Norwegian Research Council FORSTERK programme and produced by the University of Stavanger (COLAB FORSTERK 2021-2023).

Prof Sarah Hean, University of Stavanger, Norway

Prof Sarah Hean, University of Stavanger, Norway