Dansk Beskrivelse
I denne episode har vi besøg af forskerne Naja Dyrendom Graugaard, Josefine Lee Stage og Victoria Pihl Sørensen, som i skrivende stund er i gang med en artikkel om den spiralprogrammeti Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) fra 1960erne og 1970erne . Det er ikke uden grund, at man i Kalaallit Nunaat omtaler dette som et folkemord begået af den danske kolonimagt. I episoden diskuterer Naja, Josefine og Victoria den danske kolonimagts motivation og ideologi som lå til grund for programmet og hvorfor programmet, som først blev bredt offentlig kendt i 2022 er blevet modtaget med så stor overraskelse, for programmet var velkendt og på ingen måde hemmeligholdt. Hvad siger det om dansk selvforståelse, om den danske stats syn på Kalaallit Nunaats oprindelige befolkning, om velfærdsstaten og ikke mindst om behovet for en ny dekolonial historieskrivning baseret på kalaallit erfaringer og viden?
English Summary
In this episode, we are joined by researchers Naja Dyrendom Graugaard, Josefine Lee Stage and Victoria Pihl Sørensen, who are currently writing an article about the so-called IUD program in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) from the 1960s and 1970s. It is not without reason that Kalaallit Nunaat refers to this as a genocide committed by the Danish colonial power. In the episode, Naja, Josefine and Victoria discuss the Danish colonial power’s motivation and ideology behind the program and why the program, which only became widely publicised in 2022, was received with so much surprise, as the campaign was well known and in no way secretive. What does it say about Danish self-understanding, the Danish state’s view of Kalaallit Nunaat’s indigenous population, the welfare state and, not least, the need for a new decolonial history based on Kalaallit experiences and knowledge?
Link to Naja Dyrendom Graugaard profile: https://najagraugaard.academia.edu/
Link to Josephine Lee Stage profile: https://pure.au.dk/portal/da/persons/jlstage%40edu.au.dk
Link to Victoria Pihl Sørensen profile: https://pma.cornell.edu/victoria-sorensen
Articles (Open Access):
Graugaard, N. D., & Ambrosius Høgfeldt, A. (2023). The silenced genocide : Why the Danish intrauterine device (IUD) enforcement in Kalaallit Nunaat calls for an intersectional decolonial analysis. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 36(2), 162–167. https://doi.org/10.7146/kkf.v36i2.137309
Graugaard, N. D., Pihl, V. S., Stage, J. L. (forthcoming). Colonial Reproductive Coercion and Control in Kalaallit Nunaat – The Overlooked Role of Racism in Denmark’s IUD Program. Special issue on ‘Race, racialization, and reproduction in the Nordic context, NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research.
Sørensen, V. E. P. (2023). “In Women’s Hands”: Feminism, Eugenics and Race in Interwar Denmark. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, 36(2), 46–62. https://doi.org/10.7146/kkf.v36i2.132611
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